I wanted to share some fun facts about water with you today. I have been drinking more and more of it religiously- and feel soooo much better than I have in a looooong time. It's been less than a week and I've had numerous people comment on how I look and feel. My goal is to shift my diet into more of a "paleo" type food pyramid- making water the largest intake for my body. So far so good!
Benefits of Drinking Water
1. Composes 75% of your Brain
2. Regulates your body temperature
3. Makes up 83% of your blood
4. Makes up 75% of your muscles
5. Composes 22% of your bones
6. Helps convert food into energy, and energizes muscles
7. Removes waste and Toxins, and helps your kidneys
8. Helps your body absorb nutrients
9. Moistens oxygen for breathing
10. Cushions your joints
11. Helps carry nutrients and oxygen
to your cells
12. Improves your productivity at
work- much clearer thinking
13. Natural remedy for a headache
14. Relieves fatigue and improves
your mood
15. Reduces the risk of cancer
16. Improves your performance during
17. Makes you look younger and
18. Your body is composed of about 60% of water- so it helps balance all the fluids throughout your body.
19. Helps control or reduce calorie intake
20. Keeps things moving- clears out your internal plumbing!
Bottoms up and start to see how much better you look and feel!